PIR and ETHOS Convene Community Webinar on 12/19

In partnership with Ethos, Public Interest Registry (PIR) will continue to operate in accordance with best practices and the highest standards of ethics and social responsibility for registry operations, addressing the interests of all stakeholders served by PIR.

PIR and Ethos invite you to a community webinar on Thursday, December 19, from 11am-12pm ET to discuss how PIR will continue to advance its mission of serving stakeholders in the .ORG community. At the meeting, we will discuss the planned Stewardship Council and seek community input on its mandate, structure and mode of operation. We will also review proposed programs to serve the .ORG Community.

The meeting will start with a brief presentation by PIR and Ethos, followed by an opportunity for the .ORG Community to provide comments and insights to the PIR leadership on the subject of community stewardship. Please submit questions in advance or during the discussion to [email protected].

We understand that this webinar is quickly approaching and is close to the start of the holidays; this is because we have heard your concerns and wanted to address them as quickly as possible. There will be other opportunities to participate as well.

We look forward to an open and constructive dialogue to build a solid stewardship foundation for PIR. For meeting details, please visit www.keypointsabout.org for updates and information about how to submit questions as they become available.

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