Anti-Abuse Policy Appeals Process

Part of Public Interest Registry’s (“PIR”) mission is to serve as an exemplary registry and as a model for registry operator behavior.  As part of that mission, PIR published its Anti-Abuse Principles that set forth the standards by which PIR operates with regards to abuse. Due process principle is at the core of the PIR Anti-Abuse Policy and provides that:

Due process must be observed in each decision; this includes having a publicly available appeal process – Abuse mitigation can work only if it is seen to be fair and to follow basic principles of due process, including notice through the registrar to the registrant (subject to ordinary limits like law enforcement demands), an opportunity to be heard, an opportunity to cure or correct any Abuses, and the ability to appeal decisions taken.

Accordingly, PIR has developed this Appeals Process for suspensions under its Anti-Abuse Policy. Click on the links below for more information about this process.

PIR Anti-Abuse Appeals Process Rules

PIR Anti-Abuse Process Timeline

PIR Anti-Abuse Process FAQ

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