Quality Performance Index (QPI)
Improving the quality of our .ORG domain name space with a proven, easy to implement solution.
The goals of PIR’s Quality Performance Index (QPI) program are clear — to recognize and reward registrars who are committed to growing and maintaining trust in .ORG, and to identify areas of improvement so registrars can focus on improving the quality of their registrations benefiting themselves and their customers.
PIR launched its QPI quality initiative in May 2019 to promote a healthy .ORG domain space. This initiative was designed to create responsible registrations in .ORG while implementing proactive steps to reduce DNS Abuse. PIR did so because as a non-profit dedicated to upholding the .ORG domain as a trusted domain space, it takes seriously its responsibility to operate for the good of the public interest.

QPI for the Domain Industry
Given the success of the program and industry feedback, PIR made the QPI program and algorithm available to all members of the domain industry. In doing so, PIR hopes that the principles of QPI can be applied across all domain spaces, which can advance our shared goals of reducing DNS abuse and increasing longer-termed renewal rates.
While PIR expects that other registries and registrars to adopt QPI principles in a manner that works best for them, understanding how PIR uses it may provide valuable perspective: PIR currently calculates QPI by analyzing data for each registrar based on three core Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Abuse Takedown, Renewal Rates, and Domain Usage; and three secondary KPIs: SSL, DNSSEC, and ATL. The weighted scores are then combined to form a single QPI score. If the QPI score meets or exceeds the baseline threshold established for a particular promotion, the registrar is then pre-qualified to participate for the promotion pending any additional terms and conditions requirements.
If you are interested in learning more about the QPI program and the algorithm available to all members of the domain industry, contact us today for more information.