PIR Supports TCCM and Multistakeholderism

Public Interest Registry (PIR), the registry operator of the .ORG Family of Domains, is pleased to be a part a Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism (TCCM), a group of dedicated technical operators and experts that has been engaging in the Global Digital Compact (GDC), Summit of the Future,  and WSIS +20 review to provide the perspective and expertise of the technical community. 

These important government and multistakeholder processes taking place in 2004-2025, impact the fundamentals of Internet governance upon which technical operators, like PIR and other top-level domain name registries, rely.

PIR is happy to support the TCCM and the Statement of Purpose which outlines the importance of the technical community’s voice as a vital stakeholder group in discussions regarding the future of the Internet’s operations. The multistakeholder model of Internet governance is foundational to the functioning of a secure, interconnected global Internet.  The work of the TCCM supports PIR’s mission to act as an exemplary registry, providing a secure online home for registrants and supporting their communities online.

You can find more information about the TCCM, its statements, submissions and supporters here

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