.ORG A to Z: Showcasing the Diversity of the .ORG Domain

By Tony Connor, Director of Marketing, Public Interest Registry

The .org domain is known as a trusted home for noncommercial, mission-based organizations, but what many internet users don’t realize is that .org registrants transcend the nonprofit world and include organizations of all types, shapes and sizes. Today, .org is a communal kaleidoscope tapped by individuals, affinity groups, and business types – non-profit and for-profit alike – to connect like-minded people around a common set of goals, beliefs, advocacy, education initiatives and more. The .org domain is used globally by a variety of organizations with unique goals ranging from local community clubs uniting people with shared passions, to individuals and families using the .org domain to trace historical records and genealogy.

Check out the below list, which includes diverse entities across the world on the .org domain that are pursuing their passions and accomplishing incredible things. Next time you’re thinking of starting a business, a club or a personal website don’t forget that .org could be the domain to help bring your vision to life.

Aaarp.org – American Association of Retired Persons: A nonprofit dedicated to empowering American’s 50 and older

Bbritishswimming.org – British Swimming: The national governing body of swimming sports, diving and open water in Great Britain

Ccollegeboard.org – College Board: An organization that prepares and administers standardized tests for college admission

Ddefinition.org – Definition: A leading digital reference platform

Eelephantconservation.org – International Elephant Foundation: A nonprofit dedicated to the conservation of African and Asian elephants worldwide

Ffrancophonie.org – Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie: A linguistic group dedicated to preserve and promote French language

Ggenetic.org – The Association for X and Y Chromosome Variations [AXYS]: A nonprofit to help individuals with one or more extra Y and/or X chromosomes

Hhbr.org – Harvard Business Review: A print and online magazine for professionals

Iinternetsociety.org – The Internet Society: A nonprofit that provides leadership in Internet-related standards, education, access, and policy (In fact, the Internet Society founded Public Interest Registry in 2002 to manage the .org domain; learn more here.)

Jjoy.org – Joy International: An advocacy group to prevent the commercial sexual exploitation of children

Kkite.org – American Kitefliers Association: A coalition created to advance the joys and values of flying kites in all nations

Llentils.org – Lentils: A website managed by a Canadian commodity board promoting the use and benefits of the legumes

Mmetmuseum.org – The Met: One of the world’s largest art exhibit museums

Nnicma.org – The Northern Ireland Childminding Association: An advocacy group created to address the shortage of childcare in rural areas

OOlympic.org – The International Olympic Committee: An initiative that creates opportunities to better the world through sport

Ppbs.org – Public Broadcasting Service: An American public broadcaster and television program distributor

Qquietcommunities.org – Quiet Communities: A nonprofit dedicated to transitioning landscape tools to be safer for the environment

Rredcross.org – American Red Cross: A nonprofit that provides disaster relief assistance to those in need around the world

Sschooltheatre.org – Education Theatre Association: A U.S.-based association for theatre education

Ttelegram.org – Telegram: A free, digital communications platform open to the public

Uusw.org – United Steelworkers: A North American labor union for current and retired steelworkers

Vvacation.org – Vacation: A commodity group offering US Virgin Islands & BVI vacation rental villas

Wwikipedia.org – Wikipedia: A free encyclopedia, written collaboratively by users of the site

Xxavierhs.org – Xavier High School: An all-male Catholic, Jesuit, college preparatory school in New York City

Yypo.org – Young Presidents Organization: A global network of young chief executives

Zzinc.org – International Zinc Association: An international collective advocating for the use of and issues affecting the mineral zinc

Does your organization use the .org domain as a home base online? Tell us about yourself! Leave a comment below about why you chose .org to help your organizational mission.

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