.ORG Impact Awards: Celebrating the .ORG Community in a Year of Crisis

by Jon Nevett, President and CEO, Public Interest Registry

2020 will be remembered as a year unlike any other. In addition to the profound challenges, I will remember the awe, inspiration, and pride that I feel when I see how so many in our global .ORG community have responded to the COVID-19 crisis and are driving a generational fight for equality, equity and inclusion.

We must recognize our frontline medical workers, the incredible volunteers who help feed the hungry and provide vital safety net services, and the community organizations helping those affected put the pieces back together.

We also are experiencing a long-awaited moment in our world right now where each of us is being asked to analyze who we are as individuals and what we stand for as humans. And here too, members of the .ORG Community are leading the way—fighting for social justice and equity.

As we launch the 2020 .ORG Impact Awards, I hope that many in our community will share the inspiring work that has touched them, put forward and celebrate those who they believe should be recognized, and encourage those organizations and individuals to make a formal submission for an award.

We launched the .ORG Impact Awards in 2019 with the sole purpose of recognizing and rewarding the incredible achievements of the global .ORG Community.

When the time came to start planning for the 2020 Awards, however, we at Public Interest Registry made the decision to respect, support, and highlight the incredible work that has taken place over the last year, starting with the effort to combat coronavirus. The work has been truly amazing, and we are humbled by those who have led and participated in every aspect of the response and recovery efforts. Almost without exception, those who make .ORG their online home are mission-driven and are seeking to improve the world around them.

That’s why we developed ten .ORG Impact Awards categories that seek to capture the breadth and depth of the community-focused work taking place. We plan to announce the winners beginning November 30th as part of a “Ten Days of .ORG Celebration.”

This will be a celebration of the human spirit, the character of those who seek to make the world a better place, and the organizations and individuals who represent the best of the .ORG community in 2020.

Award finalists will compete for up to $30,000 USD in donations to the approved charity of their choice. All interested organizations and individuals with an active website on the .ORG domain are encouraged to submit an application.

Categories include: Combatting Coronavirus; Fighting Hunger and Poverty; Championing Equality, Equity, Inclusion; Promoting Education; Advancing Environmental Sustainability; Promoting A Safer Internet; Innovation Award; Outstanding Volunteer; .ORG Newcomer of The Year; and .ORG of The Year. Full rules and applications can be found at www.orgimpactawards.org.

In keeping with our community spirit, we also are launching the .ORG Community Challenge over our social media platforms asking the broader community to highlight the .ORGs they find moving and inspirational.

We invite those who take on this .ORG Challenge to share their stories about .ORGs that have impacted them in some way. Whether a multi-national philanthropic organization taking on a global issue or a local youth sports club down the road that is teaching its athletes that value of inclusion and tolerance, the key is sharing how it touched or inspired them in some tangible way. We hope this challenge will encourage participants to be creative and share videos and other content that helps tell the stories of their favorite .ORG.

Against the backdrop of crisis, we believe that these stories will bring joy and inspiration into the world at a time when it’s urgently needed.

So stay safe and be well during these unprecedented times. We look forward to learning more about the incredible .ORGs in your community.

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