See What’s New on the Cybersecurity Toolkit for Mission-Based Organizations

When Public Interest Registry (PIR, the non-profit operator of .ORG with over 10.6 million domain names registered worldwide) and the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA, a non-profit organization dedicated to making the Internet a safer place by reducing cyber risk) launched the Cybersecurity Toolkit for Mission-Based Organizations in February 2022, we noted that it would be updated regularly to include additional materials from our partners and others with subject matter expertise. We’re pleased to announce the first major update with the addition of a new “Communicate Securely” toolbox.

This update contains tools that can help mission-based organizations improve the security of their communications and better protect their, and their user’s, data. It includes a free tool to send and receive instant messages, photos, videos, or voice calls with end-to-end encryption; ways to encrypt email; and a tool to establish a virtual private network that helps secure your Internet connection. The update also includes documents that explain the importance of securing your organization’s communications and help guide you through implementation of these key resources.

The toolkit is available on the .ORG Learning Center and at All materials in it are free and can easily be shared among volunteers, donors, customers, suppliers, and partners–whomever in the mission-driven community would benefit from better online security.

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