Four Reasons Why Your Nonprofit or NGO Should Register .ngo and .ong

“NGO” is the widely recognized acronym for describing Non-Governmental Organizations; “ONG” has the same meaning, but it is specifically used in regions of the world that speak Romance Languages (i.e. Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese). Why should global NGOs|ONGs choose to use the .ngo and .ong domains?

1. Validation

The .ngo and .ong domains will only be available to genuine NGOs. This is the validation that the NGO community has asked for, an exclusive domain that identifies them as a unique set of organisations. Beyond the validation, as a .ngo|.ong domain holder, you are automatically entered into our exclusive online NGO directory, which includes a customizable online profile for your organisation. Your profile will help you find and share information with other NGOs across the globe, promote your organisation to potential donors and partners, interact with like-minded organisations, and raise funds online to support your cause. The NGO Portal will revolutionize the way that NGOs around the world connect.

2. Establish trust

Given that these new domain extensions will be exclusively available to the NGO community, they will be advantageous in helping to highlight your NGO as a trusted organization, particularly within the online space.

3. Visibility

The .ngo and .ong domains will provide immediate recognition for validated organisations that pursue a cause and make a positive impact on the world. With these domain names comes credibility, and utilizing them to distinguish yourself is a great way for you to ultimately strengthen the brand of your NGO. Within our online NGO directory, donors will also be able to search for your organization by name, location, and cause. This search capability will inherently make it easier for others to find you, encourage higher donation rates, and help to bridge the gaps between organizations like yours, resources, and volunteers.

4. Global reach

The .ngo and .ong domains will be sold together as a package; by registering your .ngo domain(s), you will also reserve the same name(s) in .ong, and vice versa. This packaged domain name solution allows you to register your name in both Romance and non-Romance languages simultaneously, thereby maximizing your reach and your efforts to advance your mission and message to all regions throughout the world.

Learn More » How to: Register .ngo and .ong for Your Nonprofit or NGO

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